Nicholas doesn’t know his best interest.

“I can’t just want anything. It is not that simple. The pain and confusion comes when I want something from her. She was there and I couldn’t do anything about it. She showed up one day in my life like she belonged.

“This is sounding less and less like a friendship and more and more like a scientific method.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well it didn’t matter if I predetermined what it is and stay devastated by the results.I apparently don’t know my best interest. I don’t have a clue what this person means or anything else for that matter. I just have ideas that I play out and slowly- or all at once, runs me into the bottom of the ocean. This happens in small ways daily or devastating ones until I stop making decisions.”

“What are you talking about?.”

“I’m trying to figure it out. You know when I stand back and watch the machinations; when I with every fucking tendon I have in body hold myself back. I watch her with her crazy erratic undulation’s; well, I, at this point for the most part anyway see what I need from all of this. All her inconsistencies somehow from here eventually reveals an answer for me. This seems like the way.”

“Like you’re not supposed to do anything.”



Lanvin likes to get out of the way.


Henry is afraid of peace