Henry is afraid of peace

“I’m afraid of peace.”

“You mean like the ocean?”

“I mean like the peace. I have to have a distraction going on. I need to have problems with my car; Naomi and me fighting about something. I need this because I am nothing without it. What the hell am I without all of this?”

“You surely wouldn’t be fun to be around, because I need to complain about my stuff and you can’t be done.”

“The idea of something so calming followed by something so visibly resplendent seems to burn holes in me, how do I get things done feeling so calm and peaceful?.”

“How do you get your laundry done feeling like that?”

There is nothing more scarier than peace. It is like some sort of erasure wiping away that perfect temperature of anger that you need in the bike lane. It’s like I would be some sort of vegetable or something sitting on the edge of a bed waiting for someone to tie my shoes.”

“Where would you be going as a vegetable?”

“I don’t know.”


Nicholas doesn’t know his best interest.


William’s fear is the problem.