Anthony needs to get robbed
It is all a set of circumstances. One that I try to manipulate or one I don’t”
I’m not sure it is boiled down that way
If someone wants to take my lunch money on the train with a knife and I purposely manipulated the situation. I start talking about his mama. I tell him his shoes are stupid. I do this because I have a bright idea that I can take him; I can control things. I had what I thought was an idea about the entire situation. I instead am thinking without a fucking net. I believe I know where it needs to go and with that I am beat, stabbed. I’m dragged through all the train cars. All of this is because of my belief that I know where it needs to go, and with that it becomes the only reason the shit went bad for me.
My idea that I think I know is only what creates a set of fucked up circumstances for me. The outcome will always wind to a conclusion that teaches me that I fucked up, or I am dead, whatever. But if a person is standing in front of me with a knife trying to take my lunch money and I do nothing or I do something that comes to me automatically right in the moment, and I still get stab. So in this case this situation will turn out as a moment that starts bad but opens into a chain reaction of positive experiences if I continue with this method; pretty soon I won’t need that dude with a knife.
“After you get out of the hospital”
“After I get out of the hospital.”
“This is some crazy sentences.”
“How do I know what is happening? How do I know that self preservation is the answer? How do I know that it is not? I don’t know a Goddamn thing from moment to moment. Why do I pretend to is the only question. I don’t know who I am, what I am, or what all of this is for. So it make sense to wait for instructions, or do nothing till something comes.”
“My solo involvement is the only problem.”
“Not the man with the knife?”
“Not the man with the knife. He is trying to reiterate the absurdity, and I need to listen.”
“This life is got you on somethn’
“Staring at the instructions don’t do shit.”